This is Ken Meyering's comment on this video: YouTube keeps deleting this comment. I can respect that in this case. I'm using sexual terminology in a clinical way and they censor it. I'll try to route around the bad words. I have a dysfunctional sexual package. I'm unable to have an orgasm while awake. I have a lot of conscious orgasms in my dreams on a regular basis but it's normally really abstract and asexual these days. An alien will hug me or something. That's how they reward me. It feels really good but it annoys me now because the dream ends. I have to wake up just to change my underwear. It's very distracting. I would rather stay in the dream. It's the curse of being in a male body with male reward circuitry. When I was younger it was definitely hard core straight dream sex for me. All the hot women are easy in VR. I understand that I was raised and programmed from an early age to be straight. They took total control of my libido and fed me straight pornography from the age of 12. I used to masturbate a lot back in the 1980s, 1990s and early 2000s. Now I've lost all sexual function and my whole brain has been re-routed to more abstract intellectual pursuits to satisfy my emotional passions. I'm a social activist now. I fight for women's rights and social justice. It's just direct digital cellular stimulation of the nucleus accumbens inside the brain in the context of a superintelligent hyper-real super vivid lucid dream. So I'm a single person for life. Like a priest or a monk, except without the sexual hang-ups. I'm open to platonic relationships and haven't ruled out living with a companion for the social stimulation, feedback and love, especially in my older years. I'm open to senior citizens. Hopefully very respectful, empathetic, open-minded, forward-thinking and intelligent. I really enjoy people. People are miracles. My sexual relationship days are over. Emotionally and intellectually, I'm gender neutral. I like head tripping with men and women. I understand that people are sexual creatures and that sex is a very important part of life for most people. We are ALL biological ROBOTS PROGRAMMED to BREED. It's MISSION CRITICAL. It's in our DNA. It's our FULL TIME JOB. It's JOB ONE. Everything else supports that objective. We're social animals designed to mate by forming biological psychological bonds based on sex. People have careers just to attract the right mate. It's the primary motivator in life for most people. I'm very cynical about the animal passions. It all seems rather primitive and stupid but I know it's paradise and heaven on earth to get naked and share physical pleasure with people. I see my relatives growing up and getting married at age 20. Starting a family. Having kids. It's ignorant. It's all based on sexual addiction called "Romantic Love." It's just hugs, kisses and easy orgasms. Serotonin (feelings of being safe and secure). Dopamine (pleasure, rewarding conversations, orgasms). Oxytocin (the love hormone, bonding, trust, intimacy, closeness). I'm attracted to smart and empathetic people for the conversation. I like hugging my friends. I'm a big hugger (Oxytocin) but I won't bother interjecting myself into their sex lives other than to say don't be ashamed to have your sexual feelings and enjoy your sex life. You can count me out.